Our mission is to publish truthful and representative biographies of successful personalities, and we offer you access to them free-of-charge. If you feel that there is any missing curriculum of a personality that in your view deserves to be part of this encyclopaedia; please do not hesitate to write and inform us of this person’s full name and contact details.

This website will provide you with all the information about our company and the services we provide.

A contemporary document of lasting value in exclusive design: Bordeaux red cabra leather cover, thread stitching, embossing, dedication and three‑sided gilt edging.

If your profile is included in the encyclopaedia, you will benefit from an increased online visibility as well as from a printed version of the encyclopaedia and a myriad of contacts within our online network. If you feel that there is any missing curriculum of a personality that in your view deserves to be part of this encyclopaedia; do not hesitate to recommend this person to us.

Professionals using our service can also opt for multi-purpose video interviews that are tailormade to fit their specific needs. In today’s world of rapid Internet and relentless innovation - video interviews are becoming an increasingly important part of your professional presentation.

An encyclopedia is a respected source of information for scientific and journalistic works. Personalities from public and business life have been at its centre of interest for centuries. Today, the phenomenon is ever-present and constantly increasing with the emergence of social networks.

Thanks to our dedicated editorial team, the profiles included in the encyclopaedia are of the highest quality and are essential when it comes to acquiring information, networking and organising personal meetings. It will therefore facilitate your daily working life and should not be missing in your personal library. Our encyclopedia, moreover, promotes family values and the traditions of our ancestors.


Britishpedia TV

Britishpedia TV - inspirations worldwide

In a world filled with endless possibilities and opportunities, not just young people often find themselves at a crossroads, seeking guidance and inspiration to navigate the complexities of life. It's no secret that having positive role models and mentors can be a game-changer for the youth. Britishpedia, an encyclopedia and platform dedicated to showcasing the life stories of successful personalities, is taking the initiative to provide young individuals with the motivation and guidance they need to achieve their aspirations.

Frequently asked questions.

I believe I do not have sufficient qualifications to be included in the Encyclopedia.

In the past, an exclusive group of prominent people, so called VIPs, were published in biographical encyclopaedias. This trend changed with the emergence of the Web 2.0. Every personality who greatly contributes to our society can be accepted - such as managers, experts and entrepreneurs from various professional disciplines and who have also reached a new pinnacle of success in their career. We aim at assisting our members in their career and helping them to move forward.

What is the deadline for the update of the curriculum?

Every year we will send you a copy of your biography for revision. You will also have the possibility to update your curriculum online at any time. The editorial submission deadline falls every year on 31st August. After this date, it will no longer be possible to include any desired changes.

How much is the admission fee? / How is the encyclopedia financed?

The admission is not subject to any fee. Encyclopedia is a nonprofit organisation financed on the basis of the services offered. In the case that you will be invited to an interview; one of our accredited editors will present you with the different options we offer. You are in no way obliged to subscribe to any of the services offered.

How long does the membership last?

Your membership is active as long as you decide to keep it, or until there is a valid reason for cancellation from our side - such as improper behaviour towards other members, criminal proceedings or the passing away of a member.

Will I have the possibility to see and revise the copy of my biography before it is published in the encyclopaedia?

Every year we will send you a copy of your biography for revision. You will also have the possibility to update your curriculum online at any time.

What should I do to be accepted by Britishpedia?

In principle, you should be a significant contributor to our society. Please apply by filling in our application form and we will respond to your request within 4 − 6 weeks.

Achievement - Creativity - Charisma

Human history has frequently showcased the the art of preserving biographies of exceptional personalities for the next generations. This stems from a deep-rooted tradition.

Precursors of today’s biographical encyclopaedias could already be found in ancient times. Curricula of the philosopher and writer Plutarch are still today the richest source of information displaying remarkable stories that are essential for many people living in modern times. In the Renaissance period, taking inspiration from Greek collective biographies, Filippo Villani published Le vite d’uomini illustri florentini (The lives of famous Florentines) which illustrated Florence as a big family whose most talented children had memorials erected to them in tribute.

In 1849, the very first biographical encyclopaedia was dedicated to the British royal family, the high aristocracy, politicians, judges and officers.

In 1897, the first modern edition of the encyclopaedia by the Black’s cousins appeared in England. In this period, biographies of personalities from different professional sectors could already be found in libraries.

The tradition of biographical encyclopaedias goes back to the 1840s. BPH - BRITISH PUBLISHING HOUSE LTD‘s ambition is to meet 21st century expectations and become a prestigious lexicon of successful personalities and a modern online network tuned into today’s wavelength.

BPH – British Publishing House Ltd. has therefore established an expert team composed of executives, ma-nagers and assistants who ensure the smooth running of the business on a daily basis, and offer consistent help to our members. Thanks to the diligent efforts of our team; whose tasks consist of: keeping biographies up to date, seeking new success stories and conducting personal interviews - Encyclopedia’s members can benefit from a high value database and a flourishing online networking platform which will most certainly become a powerful tool on their way to new successful destinations.

BPH – British Publishing House Ltd. was founded in 2013 as a publishing house in London and deals with innovative concept-publications. We have Offices in London, Poznan, Prague, Bratislava, Budapest, Kuala Lumpur and Penang which are points of contact for our clients.

Expansion and further development for us means confirmation of fair partnership - in which we are always interested. Please contact us for further information about the various possibilities of cooperation we offer.

Admission process

The decision of our editorial board to accept an application is based on reliable recommendations and extensive research. It may admit personalities who are a valuable asset to our society, i.e. opinion leaders, as well as leading and merited personalities across Europe. However, among the selected candidates are not only people who have already reached the top of their career; but also those whom we would like to assist on their way to the top.

Potential members are firstly invited to a personal interview, the outcome of which determines whether to accept the candidate among Encyclopedia’s members. An admission letter subsequently confirms the acceptance.

Following their admission, our members are granted access to the online network and can also benefit from a wide array of possibilities focused on obtaining information, reputation building, and further professional development.


  • By including your profile among its biographies, Encyclopedia wishes to highlight your contribution to society.

  • For many members, this admission represents the highest accolade they can achieve in their life. In most of the cases it also increases their reputation within their field of professional activity.

  • Encyclopedia’s communication network allows its members to be informed about other equally successful personalities with whom they share the same opinions, and it also facilitates their interaction and enhances further development.

  • Nowadays, an online presentation of one’s professional activity is more important than ever. You can also add value to your curriculum by means of a video interview. It will be then presented on our online platform and you can display it on your website too.

Do not miss this unique opportunity to benefit from a comprehensive information source and the new contacts that this encyclopaedia offers you.

- Martin Nikodemus -

Premium partners




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